Home ยป May 1st International Labor Day: Unite for a struggle against imperialist plunder and fascist attacks!

May 1st International Labor Day: Unite for a struggle against imperialist plunder and fascist attacks!

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Press Statement
May 1st International Labor Day: Unite for a struggle against imperialist plunder and fascist attacks!

In the history of the struggle of the working class of the world, the celebration of May Day has a very important significance. May 1, 1886 is the day when the voice of the American working class movement across the country was heard around the world. With the sacrifice of Chicago’s leading labor leaders, it is the day that led to the global implementation of labor laws such as eight hours of work, safe work, prohibition of child labor. Also, it is the day that the ideological weapon of the working class was sent to the world by Marxism. This is the day when the working class of the world, regardless of country, language and color, was given a great motivation to unite and fight against their common enemy, the capitalist system.
It would be a great disservice to end it today by making it a symbolic day. Because, excessive exploitation of labor power, imperialist tyranny, fascist attacks and changes in labor laws across the world are once again new historical challenges for the working class! India is no exception to this.

The four labor codes passed by the Modi government will expose the working class to barbaric exploitation. The number of workers working more than 12 hours a day is increasing across the country. Minimum wages are being denied in this country. Job security is almost impossible. Leasing and Migrant labour system are rampant. Working conditions like mine, mill, missions, factory, work office, plantation, freight, civil service, housekeeping, shop front, gig etc. are hellish. The number of unorganized workers in India is 95 percent. The proportion of minimum wage workers does not exceed 5 percent. Accidents and rapes at work are unaccounted for. corporate and contract had hold in labor department.
Also, two crore jobs have been reversed in the year Modi said. . * Tens of crores of workers and staff are being illegally employed as government scheme workers* . The working class as a whole has been deprived of all the rights it has acquired with its sacrificial struggle. The struggle against this usurpation is being crushed with force. Workers’ unity is being shattered in the name of religion, caste, language region etc. The working class has voluntarily rejected its class politics and has become the target of the dangerous trade union theory of Non-political trade unionism.
In such an event, this is the time for the working classes and the all oppressed to join together and fight for wages and a dignified life across the country.
In the current 18th Lok Sabha elections, all the workers in the private, government, semi-government and unorganized sectors workers need to take a oath to defeat the fascist RSS BJP. Continuing, the Central Committee of the Trade Union Center of India has hereby called for the May Day celebration to continue the struggle in the direction of anti-imperialism, to advance the protracted struggle for the realization of real democracy and socialism.

General Secretary
Trade Union Center of India (TUCI) Central Committee

Newย Delhi

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