Home » Condemn the Addition of Dhanwantari’s Image in NMC’s Logo

Condemn the Addition of Dhanwantari’s Image in NMC’s Logo

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Condemn the Addition of Dhanwantari’s Image in NMC’s Logo

Resist the Saffronisation of Medical Institutions

Recently, we have seen that the National Medical Commission has changed their logo by adding the color image of Dhanwantari, who is said to be the physician of all Gods as per the Hindu mythology. At the same time, they have also replaced “India” with “Bharat”. In fact, this change didn’t take place yesterday.

With the coming of the National Medical Commission in 2019, the Medical Council of India was already dissolved and the NMC was built as an institution, which is more centralized and less autonomous. From then, the logo of this institution included the image of Dhanwantari, but in black and white. But now, this is a more vivid manifestation of intensification of the saffronisation agenda of the RSS.

AIRSO holds the view that under the RSS Neo-fascist regime, all the state machineries have succumbed to the firm grip of these fascist forces, due to which, the scientific, rational and democratic character of these institutions has been destroyed. This process of saffronisation of institutions is being done with a Brahmanical agenda also, which RSS says as “Indian Knowledge System”. But for RSS, this “Indian Knowledge System” only includes the mythologies which are written to serve the brahmanical interests. The replacement of Hippocratic oath by Charaka Shapatha is another example of this. The changes in the educational curriculum are also reflecting the same interests.

That’s why, AIRSO vehemently condemns this move by NMC to saffronise the medical institutions. AIRSO appeals to the students and youth, especially in medical fields to unite against these moves, which are deliberate moves to destroy the scientific temper and rational character of such institutions and replace it with brahmanical, hindutva consciousness.


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