Bangalore workers convention successfully held on 1-1-2024 at agricultural technology institute hall, bangalore organized by S. Balan led BBWSSB, HAL, BEML, METRO, BBMP, KSRTC, BMTC and Race Coarse Unions from bangalore.
Com S. Balan advocate and leader of Trade union, Com R. Manasayya Central Co- Ordinator of TUCI, Com. T Srinivas Genearl Secratery IFTU, Com. Chandru President KSRTC Union and Com. VB Patil addressed the Convention.
The elaborated discussion on united stuggle against fascism – 4 labour Codes, Privatization, Contractualization like issues the delegations from above unions actively participated in the convention the concluding speech Com R Manasayya appealed the convention to participate in TUCI 10th All India Conference is been held on January 27-29 2024 in Bubaneshwar Odisha.