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Overthrow Corporate Fascist Regime – TUCI

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Press Release


Overthrow Corporate Fascist Regime – TUCI

10th National Conference of TUCI Successfully Concluded

Bhubaneswar, 29/01. Three days 10th All India Conference of Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI) successfully concluded on 29th January evening at Comrades Sivaram โ€“ Sharmistha Nagar (Lohiya Academy, Bhubaneswar) with a call for militant struggle against Sanghi Manuvadi Corporate Fascist regime.

The conference elected 43 National Council Members representing various states which elected 21 Central Committee members. The National Council also elected Adv. Sabi Joseph from Kerala (National President) and Comrade R Manasayya (National General Secretary), Com. Urmila from MP (Vice President), Com. Labh Singh from Punjab (Vice President), Com Sankar from Odisha (Secretary), Com Anju from UP (Secretary) and Com D K Lingasur from Karnataka (Treasurer) as its national office bearers.

In the morning session of the last day, the conference also adopted its program and work report of central coordination committee, after detailed discussion. The conference extended immense gratitude to all reception committee members and Odisha state committee of CPI (ML) Red Star for their hard work for organizing the national conference of TUCI a grand success. The conference also passed many important resolutions including against 4 labour code, demanding for fixing Rs 31000 as minimum wage, abolishing contract labour system, demanding 50% reservation, against majoritarian Hindutva polarization in the name of Ram Temple, calling to overthrow Corporate Hindutva Fascist regime led by RSS-BJP.

In the concluding session, newly elected National President Adv Sabi Joseph and National General Secretary Com R Manasayya addressed the delegate house and called all delegates for spread the regained enthusiasm to all states and prepare for intensified struggle of working class national wide as per the conference resolution. Adv. Sabi Joseph lowered the red flag while enthusiastic revolutionary songs of communist international in all languages.

R Manasayya
General Secretary
Trade Union Centre of India (TUCI)

29th January 2024
Bhubaneswar,ย Odisha

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